The Safari Series pledges to

‘Give A CCR:AP’

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A framework created by The Safari Series

This new initiative, a framework that has been created by The Safari Series as a way of dedicating our camp to the betterment of our landscape’s future.

Starting in 2021, we made a promise to work towards giving 100% of our net profits to towards Conservation, Communities and Research as a way to better this land for future generations by 2050.

The three elements to this framework were chosen because:

Conservation: our landscapes and wildlife within Lolldaiga Hills needs protecting against all adversity. Human numbers are rising and this puts pressure onto land. Large amount of financing are needed for keeping wildlife safe within the conservancy and to prevent the spread of settlement into these open spaces. We promise to fund projects within our landscape, and since we are no experts we promise to fund those that are.

Communities: Before The Safari Series even existed, our work began with the communities in this region. We have worked with the Maasai communities, in particular on the northern borders, in a way that is progressive, authentic and proactive. We believe in ‘Trade Not Aid’. Learn more about what we believe and strive towards when it comes to positive community interactions here. For this reason, all our decisions are guided by the community themselves, rather than us - again, we are not the experts!

Research: We are truthful in the knowledge that we are no experts on these subjects. Specialists in both fields above are needed to guide the way for us in how we can promote both. Research is vital for how we plan to support, and without research into how best to innovate and explore new methods of change, both The Safari Series and the subjects in general remain stagnant. By funding research, we can also encourage a equal dialogue between researchers and the lands they are learning about. We have been told that most researchers visit but never return to share their work with the community.

“If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” - African Proverb

As a business that began only 6 weeks before the first Covid case worldwide, we have learnt the benefit of slow and careful growth. It is for this reason that we aim to give away 100% of our profits by 2050. For now (2022) we look to more careful promises that won’t bankrupt us and remain true to our promise.

That means that for 2022, we promise to give away 5% of our net profits to our self-created Give A CCR:AP framework - read more on our blog to find out what that means.