Renovations during the 'Short Rains'

During late October and early November, we closed The Safari Series in order to do some renovations on the camp, back of house, safari cars and general area that surrounds the camp. After a very busy year of business, these renovations are vital to keep the camp running at its best and looking smart!

Of course we have a great team at the camp that keep things running throughout the year, but this break gives us time to respray the cars, fix canvas and plaster over those cracks! One of the more fun jobs has been knocking down our store and rebuilding a brand new and larger store and Manager’s House in its place. We have been learning how to build out of ‘cob’ - a natural building material that uses no cement and leaves no long term impact on the environment. The Manager’s House will be used by visiting artists, guides and those helping us, such as photographers.

You may have noticed that i put Short Rains in ‘‘! Well that is because the rain has meant to have gone, but yet again, for another year running, the rain has failed and the conservancy is getting more and more dry. Sadly our watering hole is now completely dry in front of the camp, so our daily elephant visits have gone down a lot. We can’t wait for the rain to finally come, and hope that it will be this year rather than next. The conservancy is desperate for a good washing down, and our camp is too! At least the mountain is getting a lot of good rain and is covered in snow, making for beautiful morning game drives.


How Ecosia is making our guest's travel more sustainable


Wild dogs back on Lolldaiga Hills after a five year disappearance