Camp owner, Ed Hough, shares his top wildlife sightings so far this year

It's hard to choose which photos to highlight here... That's how many amazing wildlife sightings we have had over the last three months!

The dry weather has by no means dented the wildlife populations in Lolldaiga Hills, and lions, cheetahs and leopards are making the most of the plains animals being concentrated around the remaining watering holes. 

We asked camp owner, Ed Hough, to choose his Top Six sightings from the last three months:..

'Wow, hard question! With all the sightings it's hard to even choose six that were the best... If I had to, I would say:

  1. Seven lions take down a huge male buffalo and kill it over an hour (then devour it, testicles first, over the rest of the day!)

  2. When Lisa from Canada saw three leopards in 24 hours, and one of them being the chunkiest, hugest leopard we had ever seen

  3. When we finally spotted the newborn lion cubs we knew were in the area but had yet to see

  4. Two female leopards fighting over territory - the photo by guest Ed Ashton is Nat Geo worthy!

  5. The saddest, and strangest, scene has to be when lions killed a weak (but fully grown) elephant - unusual behaviour - and then the elephant's baby tried to scare off the lions as they feasted. Luckily, the rest of the herd stormed the scene and scooped up the traumatised baby...

  6. A lovely female cheetah chased and killed an impala just above the camp - it was amazing to just drive up the hill over the course of the day and watch as she ate her prey. It wasn't so lovely watching the impala's baby standing nervously nearby, unsure of what to do... 

Which of Ed's top six sightings do you wish you had been on safari for? Let us know in an email!


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