Moon Hough Moon Hough

'New normal' traveling in Kenya: the requirements

… Aaaaaand we are back again. Back in lockdown I mean. We have always been here, on Lolldaiga Hills. The camp had a surge of visitors after Nairobi’s lockdown ended and we have been so busy with guests.

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Moon Hough Moon Hough

The view from my window: Coronavirus blog, safari edition v5

Are you a member of the ever-growing ‘View From My Window’ Facebook group? It has now got over 2 million members and people are posting daily pictures from their home, looking out of the window, and over what they can see from there. With posts being added from Iceland, Spain, Ghana, Thailand and more, it is encouraging to feel part of a community of people across the world who are all in the same position as us. I added a picture from our camp which got added - it wasn’t the best picture but it shows exactly what we can see here through the window of our mess tent.

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Moon Hough Moon Hough

A series of projects: Coronavirus blog, safari edition v4

We are keeping ourselves busy getting the camp into good condition awaiting the time guests can return. One of the projects I have been working on is converting a 1957 Series one land rover into a more useful tool around the camp and the conservancy.

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Moon Hough Moon Hough

Keeping up with Corona: Coronavirus blog, safari edition v3

Wow - almost two weeks has passed since the last time I wrote a post. The time lag was mainly because Ed kept saying he was going to write the next post (I have officially given up on waiting!) but also because I just couldn’t think of anything to say! Our days, like everyone else, have smushed into one. Is it Tuesday, is it Friday or is it July and I have just been asleep and it was all a bad dream? Sadly no, its none of the above. It’s Thursday and it hasn’t been a very strange dream. Coronavirus is real and its causing havoc everywhere.

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