Looking great makes life feel great - not just for us both everyone around us!
It’s been fun re-stocking the camp’s shop and one of the new additions are these amazing t-shirts - beautifully modeled by Elijah and Romilly.
The design has been months in the making. Lolldaiga Hills’ caves are full of ancient African rock art (some of the best in the area in our opinion!) and so we enlisted the help of Nairobi artist, Wanjira Kinyui (check out her amazing Instagram page @born_on_the_way) to come up with a beautiful design that appreciated not human history and culture but that also celebrated the beauty of the art found there.
For your lifetime: working to meet one of our sustainability goals of reducing our waste
Last year, The Safari Series pledged to ‘Declare A Climate Emergency’. This meant we signed up with 500 other members of the tourism industry to declare that we believe that the threat of climate chance is upon us and only if we act now can we prevent lifelong and catastrophic damage to our eco-systems. You can read our pledge here.
For your lifetime: understanding climate change; a training for our staff
During the last couple of months, we have been focusing a lot on training with the staff in order to maintain and improve our skills and staff presence around the camp. Our most recent training was on sustainability and climate change.
For your lifetime: we declare a climate emergency
The Safari Series has signed up to Tourism Declares, an initiative that supports tourism businesses, organisations and individuals in declaring a climate emergency and taking purposeful action to reduce their carbon emissions as per the advice from The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to cut global carbon emissions to 55% below 2017 levels by 2030.
For your lifetime: making our guest's visit carbon positive
With sustainable travel becoming an ever more ‘hot topic’ for those who love to see the world, it is highly surprising that carbon offset is still such a technical and highly complicated subject. Reducing your carbon footprint is something that most people know, at least something, about: your carbon footprint is ‘the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere as a result of the activities of a particular individual, organization, or community’ and it can be reduced by changes to your lifestyle to increase your impact on slowing climate change.