Looking great makes life feel great - not just for us both everyone around us!

It’s been fun re-stocking the camp’s shop and one of the new additions are these amazing t-shirts - beautifully modeled by Elijah and Romilly.

The design has been months in the making. Lolldaiga Hills’ caves are full of ancient African rock art (some of the best in the area in our opinion!) and so we enlisted the help of Nairobi artist, Wanjira Kinyui (check out her amazing Instagram page @born_on_the_way) to come up with a beautiful design that appreciated not human history and culture but that also celebrated the beauty of the art found there.

Wanjira created five different pieces in a variety of different colours - each of the colour palettes was chosen to reflect influences from the area; the orange/brown design is, of course, the most true to the colours found in the caves. The bright, almost florescent versions were made to exalt the colours traditionally worn by Maasai and Samburu tribes - both of which can be found in the near area.

With the designs finalised, we printed them onto t-shirts, posters and blocks - all of which are now available for sale in the camp. For Elijah (pictured) agreeing to model the t-shirts were more than just a favour - profits for the sale of the t-shirts go straight into the Opuntia project that he is leading in his community (just north of Lolldaiga northern gate). The project, which has been running (on and off, we have to admit - Covid has made it really hard to keep it going throughout the year) for the past 10 months has seen jobs created for 80 community members and the clearing of the invasive and fast growing cacti hopes to create more grazing for community cows.

You can read more about the project on another blog post below. To support the project, buy yourself a t-shirt!


It's competition time!


The Ol'daiga flower - a explosion of colour in July. A short history of Lolldaiga Hills