Moon Hough Moon Hough

Keeping up with Corona: Coronavirus blog, safari edition v3

Wow - almost two weeks has passed since the last time I wrote a post. The time lag was mainly because Ed kept saying he was going to write the next post (I have officially given up on waiting!) but also because I just couldn’t think of anything to say! Our days, like everyone else, have smushed into one. Is it Tuesday, is it Friday or is it July and I have just been asleep and it was all a bad dream? Sadly no, its none of the above. It’s Thursday and it hasn’t been a very strange dream. Coronavirus is real and its causing havoc everywhere.

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Moon Hough Moon Hough

Ice, ice, isolation baby...: Coronavirus blog, safari edition v2

So I promised one of our past guests that the next blog post would be from Ed on his Land Rovers. Well, SHOCKINGLY, the project hasn’t been finished in only a matter of hours as I was led to believe it would be but instead several days. I am not complaining as it means Ed is kept busy (but not quiet) hitting things with hammers and getting black paint over everything, including himself. The end result will be excellent I am assured. I have my own plans for the Series I that is being worked on, but again I am going to wait until it’s all finished to share them.

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