Moon Hough Moon Hough

Wild dogs back on Lolldaiga Hills after a five year disappearance

We have been delighted to spot wild dogs again on Lolldaiga Hills after a five year disappearance. The pack, which is known as the Phoenix Pack (because of how they have risen from the ashes of a Canine Distemper; a disease that nearly wiped out Kenya's whole population) is now at least 13 strong.

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Moon Hough Moon Hough

The Ol'daiga flower - a explosion of colour in July. A short history of Lolldaiga Hills

July is a funny month in Kenya - the rains should have stopped by now, and the cooler months have set in. Nairobi is grey all day, but up north at the camp the days are sunny, with a nice breeze. It’s a great month for walking safaris as it’s not too hot!

The whole of Lolldaiga Hills are covered in a unique flowering plant called the Ol’daiga plant. They flower just once a year, after the rains, and have a distinct yellow flower that makes the whole conservancy look like it is wrapped up in a yellow coat to keep warm in the cold months!

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Moon Hough Moon Hough

Ed improved his bird knowledge on a bird course in northern Laikipia

Ed has always had a love of birds and enjoys watching them from the comfort of the mess tent through his binoculars (another part of the birthday present!). This course offered him the chance to understand these beautiful creatures better and get a bit of practice spotting and identifying them.

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Moon Hough Moon Hough

Keeping up with Corona: Coronavirus blog, safari edition v3

Wow - almost two weeks has passed since the last time I wrote a post. The time lag was mainly because Ed kept saying he was going to write the next post (I have officially given up on waiting!) but also because I just couldn’t think of anything to say! Our days, like everyone else, have smushed into one. Is it Tuesday, is it Friday or is it July and I have just been asleep and it was all a bad dream? Sadly no, its none of the above. It’s Thursday and it hasn’t been a very strange dream. Coronavirus is real and its causing havoc everywhere.

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