Are we nearly there yet?: Coronavirus blog, safari edition v6
Are we nearly there yet? If Romilly could talk, surely this would be the question she would ask. Instead, I ask it on a daily basis instead. There is talk that the inter-county lockdown that has been imposed on Kenya for the last 10 weeks will be lifted at the end of this week, but no one really knows at all (everyone still has an opinion: mine is that it is 50/50 each way). I really hope so though, as the camp is missing guests sorely and some life here would be joyous.
Ed , Romilly and myself, along with Wanjiku (Romily’s nanny) and James (Head Workman), have been in lockdown at the camp for over 10 weeks now. It really doesn’t feel that long ago that Rebecca and Naomi, our last guests before closing, were here. We had a fabulous time with them, seeing (among everything else) a cheetah. We sat quietly with him for over an hour, with not a single other car in sight. A magical interaction.
The male cheetah brother who we saw with Rebecca and Naomi
We have kept busy but really it just feels sad to have lost so much time with a new business. Setting up one can be hard enough without all these set backs! Luckily, we have great staff and great friends who I know will be coming back to the camp as soon as possible. I got Romilly’s godmothers to write their ‘silver linings’ list - the best 10 things about Coronavirus - it made all of us realise how lucky we are and that hopefully the world can change for the better after this is all over. I have a diary book that I write in every so often for Romilly, so I copied the lists into there.
What are your thoughts about this time? Do you have any positives to look back on and think ‘wow, what a crazy time that was, but how lucky we were to have that time.’ Write some of your positives below and I will add them into Romilly’s book.
One of my ‘silver linings’ was spending so much time with Romilly, which would never have been possible if the camp had been full and busy
Our most exciting news (ah what a life we lead!) is that we finally got a working fridge! We discussed our fridge issues in our first blog post and we have had a number of people getting in touch asking if the problem had been fixed (ah what exciting lives they lead too!) . We recently invested in a big solar system for charging electrical items which meant we could power a proper fridge, with a freezer and everything. Nothing feels better than a cold beer in the afternoon. Our alcohol consumption is definitely going up, after being very low.
We have had elephants drinking and even swimming in our lake almost every day which has meant lovely viewing. Sometimes the appear so quietly - you wouldn’t believe that such a huge animal could be so silent - and it’s only when you happen to look up or walk close by you realise that you have been in the presence of five or six beautiful beasts. It has been hot in the days, and since the lake is so full after all the rain, we have been swimming in it too (making sure to keep the head far above the water!) and even Romilly joined for a little dip. So fun! Would you dare to jump in with us if you had the chance?!
Elephants drinks quietly from the lake in the camp
We hope you are reading this and dreaming of Africa, I hope you will be joining us here soon.
Moon, Ed & Romilly x