For Your Lifetime Moon Hough For Your Lifetime Moon Hough

Looking great makes life feel great - not just for us both everyone around us!

It’s been fun re-stocking the camp’s shop and one of the new additions are these amazing t-shirts - beautifully modeled by Elijah and Romilly.

The design has been months in the making. Lolldaiga Hills’ caves are full of ancient African rock art (some of the best in the area in our opinion!) and so we enlisted the help of Nairobi artist, Wanjira Kinyui (check out her amazing Instagram page @born_on_the_way) to come up with a beautiful design that appreciated not human history and culture but that also celebrated the beauty of the art found there.

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Moon Hough Moon Hough

Keeping up with Corona: Coronavirus blog, safari edition v3

Wow - almost two weeks has passed since the last time I wrote a post. The time lag was mainly because Ed kept saying he was going to write the next post (I have officially given up on waiting!) but also because I just couldn’t think of anything to say! Our days, like everyone else, have smushed into one. Is it Tuesday, is it Friday or is it July and I have just been asleep and it was all a bad dream? Sadly no, its none of the above. It’s Thursday and it hasn’t been a very strange dream. Coronavirus is real and its causing havoc everywhere.

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Moon Hough Moon Hough

Ice, ice, isolation baby...: Coronavirus blog, safari edition v2

So I promised one of our past guests that the next blog post would be from Ed on his Land Rovers. Well, SHOCKINGLY, the project hasn’t been finished in only a matter of hours as I was led to believe it would be but instead several days. I am not complaining as it means Ed is kept busy (but not quiet) hitting things with hammers and getting black paint over everything, including himself. The end result will be excellent I am assured. I have my own plans for the Series I that is being worked on, but again I am going to wait until it’s all finished to share them.

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