For Your Lifetime Moon Hough For Your Lifetime Moon Hough

Looking great makes life feel great - not just for us both everyone around us!

It’s been fun re-stocking the camp’s shop and one of the new additions are these amazing t-shirts - beautifully modeled by Elijah and Romilly.

The design has been months in the making. Lolldaiga Hills’ caves are full of ancient African rock art (some of the best in the area in our opinion!) and so we enlisted the help of Nairobi artist, Wanjira Kinyui (check out her amazing Instagram page @born_on_the_way) to come up with a beautiful design that appreciated not human history and culture but that also celebrated the beauty of the art found there.

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Moon Hough Moon Hough

The view from my window: Coronavirus blog, safari edition v5

Are you a member of the ever-growing ‘View From My Window’ Facebook group? It has now got over 2 million members and people are posting daily pictures from their home, looking out of the window, and over what they can see from there. With posts being added from Iceland, Spain, Ghana, Thailand and more, it is encouraging to feel part of a community of people across the world who are all in the same position as us. I added a picture from our camp which got added - it wasn’t the best picture but it shows exactly what we can see here through the window of our mess tent.

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Moon Hough Moon Hough

Lock(down) & loaded: Coronavirus blog, safari edition v1

We are on lockdown. This statement might sound quite exciting if it wasn’t that the rest of the world was too. Coronavirus has hit Kenya and the government, playing it safe (and thank goodness they are too) has locked down the country in order to stop the virus from spreading. Kenya has only a very few ventilators in the whole country and the virus would (will?) cause incredible devastation and tragedy if (when?) it hits hard.

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