The 'short rains' in Kenya - best or worst time to visit?

During the month’s of October and November, the traditional ‘short rains’ are expected to fall across Kenya. The ‘short rains’ are normally known to last roughly a month and fall only briefly in the later part of the afternoon, rather than throughout out the day.

But does these brief rainstorm mean that you safari would be ruined by coming during these months? Well, we think not at all! In fact, it can sometimes mean having the best wildlife spotting, the most stunning green landscapes and even the most balmy of weather.

The ‘short rains’ are a lifeline for both wildlife and humans; they fill the rivers and dams, water all the plants, trees and crops and help the grass to grow thick and lush, meaning that both can live in harmony next to each other for the next six months. In fact, the effects of these rains are felt for months to come and are vital for protecting the eco-systems.

With a recent group of guests staying at our camp, we felt the full force of the ‘short rains’ every day; our daily afternoon and evening game drives were muddy and often wet - but it didn’t worry our guests in the least! The lush grass meant that more plains animals were visible, and in turn meant that we had some epic lion sighting during the week. A highlight for everyone! And, of course, we had lovely hot mornings, so everyone managed to get a bit of a tan too.

So don’t be put off by this rainy season, because not only will your quieter and with less tourist joining you on the plane, but also it might even be better!

Land Rover safari in Kenya

Creating family memories in Africa forever


Finding... "The King"